[Note: this is based on the popular Hebrew text, not any ‘medieval’ original. Below is my English translation, used for my previous post Meditation on Ma’oz Tzur.]
Stronghold! The rock, my rescuer!
To whom tribute is proper.
Fix my house of prayer –
And there, a thanksgiving we’ll offer.
When you prepare to slaughter
That barking oppressor,
I’ll end all time,
with song and rhyme,
Inauguration of the altar.
My soul had its fill of evil,
My strength sapped by sorrow.
My life was embittered by toil
As slave to the kingdom of Pharaoh.
God’s almighty hand let go
His treasure-nation below.
Pharaoh’s troops,
And family groups,
Sank like stone under the waters’ flow.
To His holiest sanctum He brought me
But even there I was unsteady.
The tyrant came and exiled me
For I had served idolatry.
Poison wine I did pour,
And almost became no more,
But at the end of Bavel –
At the end of seventy – I was free!
To cut down the pine’s great height
sought Haman the Agagite.
You, God, set the trap tight
His haughtiness You did smite.
You raised up Mordechai the Yemini
Erase the enemy’s name you decreed –
His many sons
And hired guns
You hanged them all upon the tree.
I was trampled by the Greeks
Before the Hasmoneans reigned.
My sacred tower walls they breached
And all the pure oils— stained!
Yet from the last remaining cruse–
A miracle for the Jews!
The wise appraised
That for eight days
Song and cheer would be ordained.
Extend now your holy hand
Advance the end, the salvation.
Avenge the blood of your servants’ stand
From the wicked nation.
For time just continues to extend,
And the bad days seem to never end.
Shove away the red
With the shadow of the dead
Let our seven leaders reawaken.